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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Starship Testing Activities Edition

Previous - >>16178867
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oh boy cant wait for all the psychos from indonesia to start shitting up the internet even more. i already have to deal with enough of them as is.
Why is he meeting with all these world leaders? What's his end game?
meeting every other world leader except Biden
>meeting president casually wearing t-shirt
what's the opposite of a humiliation ritual?

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What is the equivalent of this for physics?
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nigga just bake a bigger cake
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>Poly-Dimensional Topology
Once you go into a pocket dimension...you...never fully return.

Shadow walking on stars still burns.
No shit sherlock. So why would 'decrypting' be there, sherlock ?
My favorite math problem of them all
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Too meta.

Im more of a Frenemies kind of guy myself. Game of Thrones but real life and with techno and door dash.

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We are so back
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>ending with mfw
>no description of what "my face" is like "when."
>"mfw" not on new line after a statement that shocks the speaker (not the person being spoken to.
Musk is just adding random 4chan lingo without knowing what it means.
Its probably a chatgpt post.

He fucked up Twitter by needing accounts to look at shit. He would just do dumb shit like when /biz/ required emails a few weeks ago, or some shit.
how much money is hiro jewing out of him for this?
Welcome to being smart
M*sk is a 4chan fan? No wonder he sounds braindead. He probably believes the retarded things all the schizos post on this board
Does he say 4chan or did OP swap it from twitter?

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You're not getting tenure edition

Last thread: >>16159901

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You don't need to be born into connections, develop them organically while you're at uni/between internships/undergrad research positions/design teams/other clubs/etc.

>high in skill
Yeah I should very well hope so wtf...
How do you like the pay/salary progression?
Best bioweapons are the legal ones
I don't want to be a multi-degree holder without a job like you guys, I'll go brush my project portfolio up and I advise you to do the same
Be prepared, nonetheless, to enter a job outside of your field, especially if you work in government.

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What are some of the recent unbreakable ciphers like "KRYPTOS" in CIA Headquarters? Also I want to ask if somebody is interested in decoding them with me. I am a Zero Knowledge Proof Engineer and been working with cryptography from last 2 years.
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This was when I started looking for codes within codes.

Measuring invisible things.
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Perturbations in randomness...an invisible pushback...
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>The fourth statue remains in darkness because it represents Ptah, the god of darkness.
>...the first three have been solved, while the fourth message remains one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world.

Be not afraid, my son...I am but only the Void.
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Your masters know of this, I assure (You).

Speak, or have at (You)!
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>I am a Zero Knowledge Proof Engineer
I am working on my Engineering PhD, if I get it it should send a message to countries looking for atomic signals as its a "ray device".

I have zero knowledge. Zero proof. Zero Engineering. I still think I could kick your ass.


Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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here 160k gets you pretty nice two story house, garage, etc. Yeah, the salaries are pretty fucking bad but it's livable. The upside is that we do medschool for free unless you're a foreign student, the english and french programs are paid only.

Work life balance and the fact that they make bank. A psych works a comfy 9 to 5, barely has any emergencies, rarely gets called in, most of them do ambulatory instead of working on the ward. The pay is nice too, they can easily make 4k/month which is huuuuuuge for my country. The same goes for derm. Rads has 12 hour shifts can work from home, also brings in a bunch of cash. Plastics because most of them go from burn injury patients to breast augmentations and other cosmetic surgery in the private sector.
when you put it like that, it makes sense. psychiatrists don't make the best money in the US compared to many other specialties. i've also known a couple psychs that get out and only practice for a few years before they break down themselves and quit from the amount of crazies they deal with or become somewhat crazy themselves.
>the other specialties
yeah, makes sense. it's similar in the US except a lot more $$$ for them.

do you think yurop will ever have midlevel problems, or is it avoided by pumping out enough doctors and them not taking home 250k minimum?
do a lot of doctors try to leave yurop to go to the US to make a lot of money, and if so how many actually succeed or are most just happy staying in yurop with their family/friends/etc?
idk, we don't have midlevels here. we have physicians and medical assistants, that's it in my country. not many leave for US. most of them leave for western countries like france, germany, belgium, etc.
Death to midlevels

Except optobro you're cool
I'm assuming you have the requisite gpa. I would just apply broadly to as many schools as you're willing to write secondary apps to.

Then once you have a couple A's, I would then make the decision as to where you decide to go.

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why is math so hard?
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Gauss and Cauchy ruined it by introducing the dogma of "complex numbers". If we corrected this error math would become much easier and more intuitive.
Are you filtered by complex analysis what is your problem with it?
Superficially, one might assume I got filtered. But I prefer to frame it differently. Complex analysis got filtered by me. I exposed how unintuitive and ungeometric it is.
skill issue
Because Gödel proved that you can't prove something with its own system or something like that.

Do paper straws really contain gluten?
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Yes, of course, can't you read that sign?
The aliens grow an antenna in an attempt to contact their fellows.
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Even some chance they contain something bad is bad. When you add the fact that paper straws are fake and gay, you know what's the right choice.
paper straws are made out of recycled toilet paper. only a filthy scumbag would put something like that in their mouth
a tree is just a realy big wheat

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Can someone post the other trolley problem memes?
I had a hard drive failure and I'm trying to rebuild my /sci/ folder.
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you should be able to solve this
If at any point n becomes odd, or if n was initially odd, it just blows up to infinity, because 2n+1 is also odd, right? And unless the initial n is a power of 2, halving it over and over again will eventually reach an odd number that will also blow up to infinity, won't it? am i missing something here?
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The image is wrong; for odd numbers it should be multiplied by 3, not 2. The Collatz conjecture is sometimes even referred to as the 3x+1 conjecture.

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How do you raise a kid who will end up getting straight As and blasting through AP classes like they're nothing? I know damn well IQ plays a role, but even if you have a particularly high IQ, there is a lot more that goes into getting good grades. I figure these kids have to be getting some coaching from either their parents or professionals their parents hire.
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It's easy to get your child years ahead of their peers academically, by homeschooling them. But it's more important to their success, that they have a good work ethic and they know how to make connections and socialize. You as the parent, having connections and the money to send them to university helps alot too.

You could have an 200IQ child with a B- average, because they don't put in any effort. They might not know the point of getting good grades, or have no friends that cheer them on. They could even be one grade too far ahead of their peers.
If the 160+ IQ children were to grow up together in a school system that gave them challenges, I guess they would grow up with a better life than many do now.
Yes, and what's your point? Reality is that schools dominated by Asians are the top performing schools and social cred in those schools is based on academic standing. So I ask again, what is your point?
If social cred in those schools is dominated by academic achievement then why are 90% of those kids retards anyway?
Could you elaborate upon the voucher system? I thought it was a charter school 'lottery' admission pipeline.

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Let's say hypothetically that we took our stock solar system and replaced the 4 gas giants with a low end red dwarf star like Proxima Centauri, giving the two stars roughly 15 AU of separation (and leaving the inner solar system unchanged).

How different would the climate on Earth be because of this? It would still receive the overwhelming majority (i.e 99%) of stellar radiation from the main sun, with the other sun being just a bit brighter than a full moon.
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Surprisingly, this wouldn't necessarily destabilize Earth's orbit.

To answer the question: Proxima Centaui luminosity = 0.0017 sols. That's basically how much less light Earth would receive if it was orbiting Proxima at 1 AU. At its closest approach to Earth at 14 AU distance (when they are on the same side of the sun), it would be 196 times weaker than that, so 0.00000867346 sols. That is an absolutely negligible contribution. If a planet was in orbit around Proxima alone at a semi-major axis of 14 AU, it would be colder than a witches teet.

Why do you want to know this?
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I unironically would love to see a speculative alternative history of the American space program and its missions to the red dwarf.

Just for fun I'd have two planets orbiting the dwarf, including one in the habitable zone with water.
>colder than a witches teet.
Is that an actual saying? I thought the retard said it in the book because it sounds stupid.
>with the other sun being just a bit brighter than a full moon
What would the consequences be towards human belief systems and astrology? Would people categorise it as an entirely separate star, or just consider it a really big planet?

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When self studying math on your own how do you know when to move on to the next topic/chapter??
When you reach the end of the chapter
what if thats not enough for you to understand the chapter.
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Exercises at the end of a chapter are a humiliation ritual. I always skip them.
lmao so how do you learn anything dude?? I agree some of the harder questions are really hard and the wording confuses me a lot :/

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With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.
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thats a misleading graphic because everyone in egypt lives along the nile
Aw sweet, a physical anthropology thread
>First of all, I dont think there is such a thing as 'genetic distance' or 'fixation index'.
>Second, neither do I believe in these arbitrary subclasses such as 'caucasian', 'mongoloid', 'negroid'.
Then write a paper of your own that argues in favour of your beliefs, publish it, and revolutionize the field of anthropology. Go get 'em, tiger.
>Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species.
This just in: lions and tigers are the same species and so are dogs 'n' coyotes. Horses and donkeys? Same species.
He pulled down 10 boards today and 7'1" Chud Holmgren only managed 3 even though he is half a foot taller than Luka because because Chud is only 200lbs
You didn't answer his question, juvenile sissy

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/sci/ is this accurate
I say it's bullshit but I can't see why
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You know, if you're just baiting, it's surely masterful. Few would be able to milk so much ill will out of something this stupid.
Are you sneakily complimenting yourself for keeping the con going so long?

Look, at the same time you were whining that it's impossible to explain the intricacies of Aryan Physics to me, someone else just posted this >>16179853 and engaged in conversation to clarify it, and even included the conditions under which you WOULD be correct.
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sweet video, thanks
Nice, saved
Did you really have to bump the thread for that from page 10

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