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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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What happens if you study physics at 30?
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but this site and the internet told me you cant learn anything new after you turn 25 due to your frontal lobe calcifying
>Accepting limitations imposed by others through manufactured consensus
Reject their reality, substitute your own. Never be content with your skills regardless of context.
no joke, it took me 20 years for limits to "click"
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im going to first year of med school at the ripe age of 37
same, its allot easier to focus now

Is a planet with a sun that renders everything black and white possible, scientifically? I heard people talking about infrared n shit.
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>so they might use the rods for high intensity light, and be monochromatic, and and lower intensity light they switch to cones and color.
makes sense, why would they have this mutation though? what evolutionary reason could there theoretically be?
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>i... i kinda want to fuck his rotten psychopath mouth
see >>16143953 and >>16143990
ralistically, a planet like Arrakis would be uninhabitable, let alone by a giant worm.
for the simple reason that there is not enough (if any) food or water.
such massive creature would require gigantic amont of both
does it feed on spice?

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Look at this sexy goddamn chad. Look at him. Props to youngblood here on heading south like a fine viral young stud, away from the vestige of the tranny and the liberal cuckoo heads.
Hide the pain Steve
>heading south like a fine viral young stud, away from the vestige of the tranny and the liberal cuckoo heads.

The south is a nigger infested shithole, and all of the supposed "based and redpilled" southern conservatives are all christcucks and civnat neocon zionists who support Ukraine and Israel because they think Russians and Palestinians are all antisemites who hate the LGBT community and "American values".

The most based and redpilled part of the country are small towns in the Midwest and New England.
They're headed south not to live in a mobile home in the woods, they're headed there to attend the least pozzed universities. Schools in the south are woke but nowhere near as much in other parts of the country. That's what is attractive to them and not the irrelevant stuff you babbled on about.
>But we have schools in New England too.
You and I both know they're max woke, which is why they're being rejected. Same for Midwestern universities, which pride themselves on bringing coastal values to "fly over country".
Georgian here. We don't want faggot liberals here. Have enough god damned niggers as is.

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Hello, /sci/. I'm strongly in the belief that we learn best through doing things ourselves but I'm afraid that I'm entering a lab course this fall where it's very likely I will be assigned to a group with 1-2 partners. Should I just tell my partner that I'll do all the work myself? I'm kind of a perfectionist and if my partner screws that up, I'll probably drop out of school yet again.
Just tell the teacher that you work alone and you don't need no poofy backup

is evolution /sci/entific?
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>Evolution is observable, we know this.
Car evolution is observable too, we all know this.
You're probably trying to bait me into a parallel, in that car evolution is influenced by man. One could say that God influenced ours. We can observe evolution from microorganisms and fruit flies as a result of their environment.
Same with cars
If you don't believe in - and, further, can't explain - evolution & natural selection you don't have any business engaging with any of the scientific disciplines. Or any of the non-scientific ones, really.
you can observe the process of evolution/natural selection in bacteria in a laboratory setting, though...?

is this true
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It's your information, which you still haven't provided a source for. The only reason to refuse to provide a source is if you made it up and can't substantiate those claims.
soooo CO2 does not have an energy transition right in the middle of the IR spectrum?
If CO2 were a greenhouse gas then Mars would have a massive greenhouse effect. Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect and that proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas
Yes it's true, but little changes in concentration can have large effects when compounded over time.
But also climate advocacy is gay since we can cool the earth with aerosols and make clean basically free energy with nuclear. But we wont ever do that because you can't make money with that.
>t.atmospheric physicist

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Future Mission Edition

Previous - >>16140086
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>>Like I ALWAYS say. Find out the weight of the USS Enterprise 1701-D and then divide it by the cargo capacity of Musk's Starship. Even if his cock rocket worked perfectly, and it won't, it's impossible to make one starship with all the Space X launches ever. Can't be done. If you can't build a ship to house and feed and keep safe 150-300 people over 3-6 months in space then you can't colonize a planet. It drives me insane how blind and easy to fool you hairless apes are.
I don't know what "make one starship with all the Space X launches ever" is supposed to mean, but you should know that colonizing Mars is just a recruiting gimmick for SpaceX and Starship's real purpose is to launch BRILLIANT PEBBLES!
Just imagine if NASA decided to issue a contract to SpaceX to haul the components for an interstellar mission
BP will deny to the enemy even the ability to seethe and cope. All they will be able to do is cower and tremble.
Yeah, I have USS Enterprise 1701-D in my calcs. It's 190,000 tonnes, and if Starship can lift 150 tonnes, that's 1267 launches. With the 1/day cadence, and 1 new starship added monthly, that will be only 8 months after Starship gets online.
Russia vetoed a draft resolution before the United Nations Security Council that would have called on countries to prevent a nuclear arms race in outer space.

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I am almost done my phys degree but never tried too hard because I never wanted a Phd or masters. Now I'm talking with my classmates and proffs and it seems that to get any shitass work you have to have a Phd.
Are STEM degrees actually meme degrees just like gender studies with no work? What do I even go into with just a bachelors?
What was you plan with a bachelors degree in Physics?!

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Could someone explain to me how the second choice isn't the correct one?
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let's check case n:o 6

there is 15/21 that the first red came from case where n>3. from these cases its always more probable to draw red again
The odds should add up to 1/2 because you have a 50 / 50 chance of drawing a red ball first. Similarly, if you draw a green ball, you have a 66.66 percent chance of drawing a green ball the next time.
Let's go over it exhaustively. For every 105 red balls we get on our first draw, we expect:
30 red balls to yield another 30
25 red balls to yield 20
20 red balls to yield 12
15 red balls to yield 6
10 red balls to yield 2
5 red balls to yield nothing

So 70/105 balls will give us another red, or 2/3. Erry tiem.
Point out the flaw

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Every time i interact with an extremely attractive girl my charisma short circuits and everything I say sounds like a lobotomized monkey trying to sound interesting. But when I interact with a girl I consider at my looks match or below, all my jokes are perfect and my responses are easily fabricated? It completely automated, like some kind of counter in my brain is screeching, OH SHIT ATTRACTIVE FEMALE DETECTED PANIC MODE ACTIVATED. I fucking hate that shit. What biological benefit to spazzing out like a total fag when the goal of human biology is supposed to attract the highest value woman possible to produce offspring with if my stupid monkey brain freaks out in direct proportion to the attraction I feel to the girl?
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Are we twins? Also if you are aspie then your sincere lack of fucks makes you that much more attractive to women. I can’t tell you how many times I literally didn’t care about a girl and lived my life, only for her narcissism to translate that into “he’s playing hard to get so I must get drunk and sleep with him at a party”. Autism may have fucked me over a lot in my life for not getting the social games, especially in the office. But it actually helped me get laid a lot in my life so it all balances out. As it turns out women really are all the same, regardless of how attractive they are. Once you see how deeply insecure and attention seeking they are the intimidation factor is gone and you remember she’s just a child.
Your nervous system punishes you if you fail to to reproduce with with attractive females. Your DNA will die if you dont make more copies of it.
This is important. Human evolution happened in tribes where everyone knew each other so your reputation followed you around and there was no anomnity.
Testing my bumperino

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>go to a bar hoping to get laid
>see two beautiful girls sitting separately
>calculate my chances with each, they're not great
>but if I approach both, the combined probability isn't bad
>one girl leaves early, gets hit by a truck and fucking dies
>my chances of getting laid with the remaining girl are now higher than what they were initially
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Unsurprisingly, a poor understanding of the problem also results in a faulty analogy
Where is the flaw?
Firstly, there are three women, not two. Secondly, you know that one of them is 100% into you, but you do not know which one. Maybe you're meeting a blind date who is as into your obscure weird fetish as you are but stupidly forgot to agree on a token of recognition in your eagerness to meet. You also know that any other women will be repulsed by your sick fetish. If you broach the subject of your fetish with someone who is not into it, she will kick you in the balls, neutering you, and subsequently have you arrested, ruining any chance you have of getting laid. However, you have no other way of ascertaining her identity. With nothing to go on, you strike up a conversation with a random woman Whilst she is your captive audience, another woman gets up and leaves. You know this cannot be the woman you were intending to meet; she will never meet another man as sick as you. One other woman that you didn't talk to is still waiting by the bar.

So, do you bring up your fetish to the woman you're talking to? Or do you go to the woman by the bar and apologise for the confusion? What if there were four women in the bar, and two of them left, besides one by the bar and the one you're awkwardly making small talk with? What if there were five, and three of them left over the course of the evening? What if there were fifty women at first and at the end of the night there's just two left, the one you're talking to, and another who's been sitting by herself all evening?
Yeah that's the Monty Hall Problem alright but I'm just pointing out how absurd it is that the success probability of a group concentrates into one choice once the rest have been eliminated. Isn't that the standard reasoning behind switching?
It only happens when there is a specific reason for it. Probability is not an inherent property something possesses, but an expression of our relative certainty about it. So as women leave the bar, it becomes more likely that the ones who stay behind have an interest in you.

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What was this machine designed to do exactly?
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it's a unnaturally-naturally aspirated turbo
Will someone do that? Lie to questionaries?
Read Hancock.
these were designed to focus ether on the kings chamber.
clearly it is a pump

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>Our Moon
Moon bros...
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>Our Moon
Communist propaganda.
The moon is rightful property of the United States of America!

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take the hint
Wouldnt it be cool to shitpost using voyager 1
you need a serious antenna

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